Pursuit of (dis)harmony
Cari Padu is a participatory performance art, involving public to form spontaneous improvised choir. Originally created for Biennale Jogja XIII.
Adopting simplified Raung Jagat system, Cari Padu is capable of engaging limitless number of people to do on-the-spot improvised choir, creating seamless relations between chaos and harmony.
Cari Padu works the same way as political parties and mass organizations conduct their campaigns, from gaining votes, carry out meetings, to actually try to make their voices heard, except all of thoese are done literally. All voices, including the anarchists`, will be heard. No voice is better than others.
Harmony exists in chaos.
Party Leaders:
Fahriz Palderama / Fiorentina Mentari / Staviet Kaya / Sanuka Dwasa / Aditya Sapta / Zukhrofa Rizkiana / Johannes Handjono / Ponti Karamina / Ida Nurwidya / Nusieta Ayu / Grace Sita / Tabitha Anastasia / Suryawan Prasetyo / Singgih Kuncorojati / Rizki Widyatama / Annisa Nugrahani / Dwi Martutiningrum / Kiki Wiyanti / Mey Elfany